Gratitude Season continues with Episode 20. Today Jenny, and Kleanza archaeologist Manda Palmer gently, with compassion and vulnerability, have a very difficult but important discussion about harassment, abuse, rape, sexual assault, mental health and burnout in the practice of archaeology…and our obligation, to ourselves now, and to the next generation. 

Again, it feels like we're just scratching the surface, but it’s a start. And we touch on a few solutions too. The content will be alarming to some, and we have included more detailed information in the Show Notes, as well as resources, should you need them. Most importantly, please take care of yourself.

To our dear listeners, this episode contains content that may be triggering. Please check the show notes for specific time code indicators and for a list of resources, should you need them. Most importantly, take care of yourself.

From 17:30 onward, the conversation centers around sensitive issues until the end of the episode.
Here are specific timecodes and information:
  • 17:30 - begins the talk about sexual abuse, assault, rape, harassment and substance abuse
  • 20:49 - talk about perpetrators of harassment
  • 22:00 - talk about trauma and traumatic experience
  • 24:15 - talk about power relationships and gender 
  • 25:29 - talk about signs of trauma and breaking cycles
  • 26:28 - talk about trauma and somatic therapy 
  • 29:01 - talk about supporting younger generation
  • 30:38 - talk about being trauma-informed 
  • 31:00 - talk about harassment and reporting 
  • 33:20 - talk about safety in industry culture and mental health 
  • 35:50 - talk about body autonomy
  • 36:11 - talk about Indigenous trauma 


What is DIG THIS?

Welcome to DIG THIS - An archaeology podcast for good. Kind of like Indiana Jones…if he was a woman…more ethical…gave a shit about the people whose belongings he was stealing…and was actually doing real archaeological work. Ok. Nothing like Indiana Jones.

Every Wednesday, Jenny Botica and Amanda Marshall have a laugh, cry, or howl at the moon over lessons learned during their 20+ years as archeologists, business owners, partners, and moms. Fearless and fierce conversations that focus on the state of their discipline, their company, their lives… and ask some hard questions.

How do we decolonize our practice?
How does our work support Indigenous communities in their goals for heritage sovereignty?
How do we keep our company on a sustainable path for growth while supporting the professional goals of our team?
How do we achieve all this AND sustain a balanced life?

If you’re an archaeologist, anthropologist, environmentalist, conservationist, or industry leader who sees the need for change; an Indigenous trailblazer working towards cultural and heritage sovereignty; or a woman leading a business (or aspiring to!) - then DIG THIS is your podcast.