Midd Moment

Hi, this is Laurie Patton, President of Middlebury, Professor of Religion, and host of this podcast, MiddMoment. Though there is still about a foot of snow on the ground here in Vermont, my thoughts are on spring and the return of this podcast, my conversations with Middlebury folks that tackle ideas of the day. I'm so excited for this season, season 3.

Among our guests will be an epidemiologist, colloquially known as a virus hunter, a critically acclaimed novelist, a filmmaker, a cultural geographer, and much more. I hope you'll join me for the upcoming season of MiddMoment. 

If you're not already a subscriber, you can subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Talk to you soon!

"MiddMoment Podcast is a production of Middlebury College and is produced by University FM."

What is Midd Moment?

A podcast of ideas with Middlebury’s leaders: independent thinkers who create community. Hosted by Laurie Patton, president of Middlebury and professor of religion.

Email: middmoment@middlebury.edu


Social Media: #MiddMoment