Sacred Heart Valley - GOTC Podcast

Sacred Heart Valley - GOTC Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 2 Season 1

My Promise to Self - Patience Code

Host: Lilian Hii
Co-Host: Andrea Siri Prem
Participant: Kyle Turner

Patience is a virtue.  Andrea shared how the patience with passionate people either you are passionate in life, passionate in your business.  She also brings the impatient - patient in the Home Dynamic.

Lilian shared the workplace Dynamic and how she tackles and harmonise from hurry impatient to regulate her nervous system.  She also shared how Children's Impatient in this current society, their friends and social media or super-fast information they can access as shorten patient and everything need to be fast or Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) programming.

Lilian also shared about patient in all in Relationships how it cam harm your body, mind, damage the relationship, increase stress level and escalate the difficult situation.  

Kyle shared how he faced retails customers and his experienced journey.  Now he cultivates connecting impatient through art expression and notice the emotion transforms from impatient to patient to compassionate heart within and allow the healing to flow through art and music.

We agree that self - awareness is so important and we able to regulate our own nervous system by deep slow breath, relax the body, talk slower, move slower, creating space and allow the in control and contract feeing to release and letting go by surrendering all.  

If you are calm, welcoming the patient and often make you feel more patient.
From this space we are clear and focus, reassess what is the issue or problem and most of the time, the big problem becomes smaller and smaller problem literally no worries.  

We will bring in self - forgiveness to reframe our thoughts, our self-talk and reconnect to our body and elevate impatient to patient - passionate!

Last but not lease, we give tips for how we bring in more patience to our life.  Andrea brings her tools and tips in to reconnect back to your body immediately.  

Thank you for much all and I will see you again next month.

What is Sacred Heart Valley - GOTC Podcast?

Sacred Heart Valley is a Heart Conscious Valley. In another word, it is a Heart Healing Valley. Imagine you arrive here in the community, you are welcome, but a community member and you feel so familiar with this person, and you feel you have known this person for aeons. You do not know what you are here, but it has its magnetism and feeling the remembrance of returning home, returning to your body and returning to your heart and unit with you soul. In Sacred Heart Valley, we share our voice through gathering, deep listening to you and your heart, witness your growth and your journey. We celebrate and cheer you. We are multiple passionate people. We cover Celestial Healings, Alchemical Work of Transmute and Transformation, we use Light Language for healing and protection, we have higher sense of perception for all things. We journey life in simple, ease and smooth (SES) way and by Self - Designed Life and not by default. We are creative Business Entrepreneurs and understand Masculine Structure and Feminine Thrive. We harmonise Femininity and Masculinity Principles. We honour each other and build intimate relationships. Last but not least, we do Celestial Light Codes and anchor on earth for The Works and for our next kins.