Can you see what I see?

Have you ever noticed how often we say sorry? And how often we have received, or given, an apology - but something about it feels conditional, defensive, justifying, or even just wonky???

Show Notes

There is no one size fits all for most situations...... but really getting the ENERGY of "Sorry"  is very empowering - and creative!  Coming from a place of vulnerability in our hearts when we say sorry, is actually putting us in a place of "the birthplace of creativity and change" (to quote Dr Brene Brown!)

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What is Can you see what I see??

Would you like to live in a kinder, happier world where people are safe, empowered and inspired to choose greater? A world that has a different vocabulary from what is considered "normal" .... and the language is empowering and actually COMMON for us all.

We see that world.