The ABC's To Live Your Dope Life

Karen Dawson (my bonus Mama) and I meet on zoom to discuss the art of IMPROVISATION and its application off the stage as a way of living life. We explore her history with improv and how it has shifted in the past 20 years in practice.

Show Notes

Karen Dawson (my bonus Mama) and I meet on zoom to discuss the art of IMPROVISATION and its application off the stage as a way of living life. We explore her history with improv and how it has shifted in the past 20 years in practice. I am so curious about improv as a methodology for showing up and collaborating with what is there versus over-thinking and over-planning and striving to create a specific outcome. Improv teaches us how to let go, how to notice more, how to make others look brilliant, and ultimately, how to be a great play partner in life. In this episode I mention the book “Improv Wisdom” by Patricia Ryan Madson, and I love this excerpt from her book which highlights the beauty of improv so eloquently….

“Improvisation is a metaphor, a path, and a system; it is a modus operandi that anyone can learn. Imagine a life brimming with spontaneity. See yourself coping effortlessly with a demanding boss, a tired child, an unexpected turn of fate. Hear yourself speaking at a meeting without a script. Feel yourself alive, poised, and ready for any adventure. Learn simple techniques used for centuries by actors and musicians, and discover how to apply them to your life. The world of improv is a portal into mindfulness and magic.”

You can find more about Karen and her work here, And the links for the improv groups Karen mentioned are here,

Enjoy xoxox

What is The ABC's To Live Your Dope Life?

Welcome to the ABCs to Live your DOPE Life. This is an opportunity to be a fly on the wall while I engage with some of the most fascinating, inspiring and brilliant people I know who have played a direct or indirect role in my own healing and continued growth process. The change process is not easy, comfortable or nearly as fast as so many of us wish it would be, and my hope with this podcast is to instill some playfulness, simple tools to practice, and ultimately a place for you to recognize that you are not alone.

A DOPE life is one that is aligned with who you truly desire to be, and congruency between what is deep beneath the surface and what shows above the surface. The real. The raw. The complexities of our light and our shadows. The only thing that is ever truly in your way, is YOU. Join me on this journey as we continue to grow stronger together. It’s time to Live your Dope Life.