All Things Considered CX with Bob Azman

Best of summer replay!! 
If you missed it the first time, now’s your chance to hear the top leadership thinker in the world! 

Marshall Goldsmith is the only two-time winner of the Thinkers 50 Award for #1 Leadership Thinker in the World. He has been ranked as the #1 Executive Coach in the World and a Top Ten Business Thinker for the past eight years. Dr. Goldsmith is the author or editor of 36 books, including three New York Times bestsellers, that have sold over 2.5 million copies and been listed bestseller in 12 countries. His books, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and Triggers have been recognized by as two of the Top 100 Leadership & Success Books Ever Written.

What is All Things Considered CX with Bob Azman?

All Things Considered CX, is a lively discussion about the challenges and opportunities facing organizations as they strive to improve their overall customer and employee experiences. Whether you are a well-seasoned executive or a new convert to the world of CX, our show addresses how to break through all the noise and focus on what matters in achieving better customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. In listening to our show you can expect discussions on timely topics, with guests across a wide spectrum of experience and industry knowledge coupled with provocative questions and actions you can utilize in your organization. Join us for All things considered, CX, and expect the unexpected.