Trailer Rewind

It would be a disservice to the film to just say that JJ and Steve are just checking a box with “If Beale Street Could Talk”. While both of them had it on their list of films to see in 2018 neither of them ever got around to seeing it until now. They can now check that box, but both of them agree that its a film not to be missed.

Show Notes

It would be a disservice to the film to just say that JJ and Steve are just checking a box with “If Beale Street Could Talk”. While both of them had it on their list of films to see in 2018 neither of them ever got around to seeing it until now. They can now check that box, but both of them agree that its a film not to be missed.
This is a gorgeous film to look at. Its beauty combined with a simple and straightforward story makes this a deceptive film. Its relevant and topical without being confrontational. It’s a film you will want to watch with a friend because you may have a strong desire to talk about it.
It’s a film that should be seen by more people. Is this film for you? Within the first 15 minutes of this episode you will know whether you will push play, or keep scrolling.
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What is Trailer Rewind?

Steve Sarmento and Justin Jaeger pick one movie currently available on streaming services and discuss it at length, from its origins to its performance and everything in between. Part of The Next Reel family of film podcasts on TruStory FM.