Voces por la Salud / Voices for Health, by Roche

We interview Peruvian Blogger and patient advocate Indira Oropeza Aguillar about the many challenges in accessing the care and treatment for women with cancer.

Show Notes

Receiving the news that you have cancer is beyond compare. But in addition to the shock of the news comes the challenge of navigating the journey ahead. Imagine not knowing whom to go to for which information or only realising, when its too late that there are steps you should have taken before you started chemotherapy. 

For Indyra Oropeza Aguilar, the journey started with some amazing doctors and help. But she soon realised that not everyone has the same access to information and healthcare. She has since started a blog, become a patient advocate, founded non-profit organisation and is currently driving support to implement the National Cancer Law in Peru which will seek to provide all oncology patients in Peru with access to dignified and a high quality of health care.

Indyra believes that information is power. Listen to our latest podcast episode now for this inspirational story and empowering thoughts! 

What is Voces por la Salud / Voices for Health, by Roche ?

Sistemas de salud sostenibles, innovación y salud digital, acceso a cuidados de calidad y una cobertura universal de salud.

Estos son algunos de los temas que abordaremos en este espacio de Roche América Latina junto a referentes globales de la salud, la tecnología y las políticas públicas.

El desafío es cómo llevar la promesa de la innovación y el acceso universal a una mejor calidad de vida a todos los ciudadanos del mundo. Es algo que nos concierne a todos.

Únete al diálogo para estar al tanto de las últimas ideas y enfoques.