Embodying change: Transforming power, culture and well-being in aid organisations

In this light-hearted episode of "Embodying Change," we sit down with Lucette Quarteron, a dynamic global citizen and visionary leader. Lucette shares her unique insights on self-leadership, the proper use of power, and conflict management, drawing from her rich personal and professional journey. Discover how Lucette transforms organizational cultures, fosters workplace trust, and empowers others to embrace change.

Key Takeaways:
  • The importance of self-leadership and healing personal wounds to lead others effectively.
  • Strategies for managing emotions in conflict situations.
  • The significance of standing up for your values and setting boundaries.
  • How to build trust and acknowledge the contributions of others in a professional setting.
Compelling Quotes:
  1. "You need to heal your wounds. If you don't heal your personal wounds, you're going to create wounds in others. Self-leadership is being aware of yourself so that it impacts others positively."
  2. "When the emotion is overwhelming, the brain cannot function. You can just acknowledge that the person is furious and suggest discussing it later. It’s about managing emotions first so that you can think clearly."
  3. "Stand up for your beliefs and values, whatever the consequences. If you don't respect yourself, nobody will. It’s like not respecting yourself if you don’t put boundaries."
Resources Mentioned:
Connect with Lucette Quartiron:
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What is Embodying change: Transforming power, culture and well-being in aid organisations?

A podcast for humanitarians who want to work in closer alignment to core values like compassion, accountability, solidarity and equity. Born in 2020 in collaboration with CHS Alliance and Mary Ann Clements, the podcast is now entering its next evolution and is hosted by Melissa Pitotti.