Stop Self-Silencing

In this episode we will explore what the term self-silencing actually means, and how self-silencing first manifests in us.

Show Notes

I want to start with a quote from my mini-book Stop Self-Silencing, which defines what self-silencing is perfectly: 

“At its core, self-silencing is when we hold back our thoughts, dismiss our own ideas, opinions, and perspectives, all because we fear the potential consequences. It's a self-imposed barrier that prevents us from speaking out and sharing who we are with the world.”

Self-silencing can be a challenge in any stage of life, any stage of business. In fact, each stage can come with different challenges, since we may feel we have more to lose, further to fall or a larger platform to influence. 

The first step to stopping self-silencing is recognising that the wall exists. It's about turning on the headlights and looking deeply at what is holding you back. 

It’s also a journey, to learn to trust yourself, know that you have valuable ideas to contribute, that people need to hear them, and to know that if they do hear them that it could help them in some ways. 

You might make them smile, you help them see things differently, you might wake them up to something they didn’t realise about themselves, or the world.

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What is Stop Self-Silencing?

Helping quiet coaches and impact makers to show up and speak out on social media and beyond.

In this mini-podcast series you'll explore the challenges of self-silencing; that is when we hold back from expressing our thoughts, ideas, opinions and perspectives for fear of potential consequences.

You'll discover what self-silencing looks like, how it might be impacting you, and uncover tools and techniques to help you overcome it.

Your voice needs to be heard; unleash the power within you and embark on the transformative journey of embracing your unique individuality, allowing yourself to express with unwavering confidence, raw authenticity, and unapologetic self-assurance.