In this episode, we will be talking about Mediation. We will explore the benefits, uses, and types of meditation. The episode will end with a guided Chakra Meditation for clearing and charging your Chakras.
Cynthia Ballard is my guest today. She is an intuitive Reiki Empath. She will share some insights, and stories and guide us through our meditation.
Visit her youtube channel for more Chakra Healing Music, Frequency Healing, and Meditation
Welcome to A Journey to Inner Wisdom. I am Crystal Kotow-Sullivan and your host of this Podcast. I am a Wisdomologist and I will be exploring Wisdom and the journey to our own inner wisdom.
I am going to talk about the ABCs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom…Awareness, Beliefs – private and conditioned, and Balance, Curiosity and Creativity, Discernment and decisions, the Enneagram and energy centres, Focus, Flow, and Flourish and Gratitude, Generosity and
grace. At this moment it is the ABCDEFGs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom. I will get the rest of the alphabet with time!