Agency Journey

Agency Journey Trailer Bonus Episode 292 Season 1

Mentorship, Global Talent, Golden Handcuffs, and Hunters vs Farmers with Kasim Aslam

Mentorship, Global Talent, Golden Handcuffs, and Hunters vs Farmers with Kasim AslamMentorship, Global Talent, Golden Handcuffs, and Hunters vs Farmers with Kasim Aslam

“All of my successes massively outpace my capabilities. Like when you meet me, you're like, ‘I can't believe that guy did all the shit that he did’. Because I look homeless and I'm not really as bright as I pretend to be. I'm not self-deprecating—it's a fact. My success outpaces my capability because I found other people that were more capable than me."

Kasim Aslam is the CEO of Solutions 8, co-founder of Driven Mastermind, and co-host of the Perpetual Traffic podcast. He has built four multi-million dollar agencies and had two exits, one of which was an eight-figure deal. Kasim's success in the agency world, particularly in the Google Ads space, and his ability to scale businesses with minimal initial capital make him an impressive figure in the industry.

He’s also one of the most energetic and insightful guests this podcast has seen thus far.

This episode of Agency Journey will be a perfect listen for agency owners and entrepreneurs looking to remove themselves from the business, identify and keep their most valuable team members, and build the mindset that will take your operation to the next level.

Kasim shared a whirlwind of inspiration, including but not limited to: the crucial differences between employees (farmers) and entrepreneurs (hunters); the power of offering equity to top performers; the importance of hiring people who can outperform you in their roles; and the benefits of seeking out hard challenges for personal and professional growth.

Episode Insights:

💡 Seeking a business mentor can provide valuable guidance and support in personal and professional growth.
💡 Asking for help is essential and should not be seen as a sign of weakness. But you need to be humble and willing to do the hard work for others to decide to help you.
💡 Seek out hard things for the sake of doing hard things.
💡 People are the most important aspect of agency operations and can be the key differentiator in a competitive market. Incentivize and retain peak performers by offering profit share equity.
💡 Surround yourself with people who are smarter and more capable than you in their respective roles to build a successful agency.
💡 AI is a force multiplier of people—which can be both good and bad, making people even more important in business.
💡 Understand that employees (farmers) and entrepreneurs (hunters) have different motivations and expectations, and build your business model accordingly.
💡 Tying employee compensation directly to their output and the value they bring to the agency can help balance growth and profitability.
💡 Success often outpaces an individual's capabilities because of the power of finding and cultivating talented people.

Resourced Mentioned:

📚 "No Locked Doors" by Gregory Smith
📚 "You Versus Google" by Kasim Aslam
📚 "Driven" by Douglas Brackmann and Randy Kelley
🏢 Driven Mastermind, co-founded by Kasim Aslam:
🏢 Solutions 8, Kasim's agency that he recently sold:
🏢 Pareto Talent, Kasim's new venture focused on finding and training executive assistants and other roles for entrepreneurs
🎙️ Perpetual Traffic, co-hosted by Kasim Aslam:
👤 Gregory Smith, Kasim's long-time business mentor:
👤 Erik Huberman, founder of Hawke Media

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What is Agency Journey?

How do world-class agencies continue to grow profitably and hit their goals, even through the choppy waters and challenges of agency life?

How do leaders like Tiffany Sauder, Marcus Sheridan, Jay Acunzo, Shama Hyder, David C. Baker, Nikole Rose, and Zeb Evans think?

Join Agency Journey host Jakub Grajcar as he interviews agency operators and leaders to share insights, actionable tips, and hilarious stories from the builders who live in the agency trenches.

Each episode focuses on crucial aspects of growing an agency like building the right team, delegation, project management, client success and retention, and operating frameworks like EOS.

Brought to you by ZenPilot: we help lead your agency through the final project management implementation you’ll ever need. Book a call to learn more at

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