Human-Centered Security

How do you test the usability and security of your design ideas? Jeremiah Still walks us through research he and his team conducted on graphical authentication, where users select system-generated images for their passwords.

Show Notes

In this episode, we talk about:
  • Where the fields of cognitive psychology, security, and user experience meet.
  • Why Jeremiah and his team chose to investigate graphical authentication.
  • How they cleverly incorporated testing both usability and security in their two-part study.
  • The importance of research around learnability: is it easy for users to learn how to use your new authentication schema?

Read Jeremiah’s research: Usability Comparison of Over-the-Shoulder Attack Resistant Authentication Schemes

Jeremiah is the Director of Human Factors, Ph.D. Track and Associate Professor of Psychology and the School of Cybersecurity at Old Dominion University. He runs the Psychology of Design Laboratory, which focuses on human cognition and technology, including usable security.

What is Human-Centered Security?

Cybersecurity is complex. Its user experience doesn’t have to be. Heidi Trost interviews information security experts about how we can make it easier for people—and their organizations—to stay secure.