Woman Leadership With Janet Quek

Welcome to Woman Leadership show. I'm Janet and in this episode, I will be sharing with you

- When I went for an interview in this company which required travelling, there were concern about my 3 kids and if I can be as committed to travelling and be on time for work. To build my credibility, I was never later for work and would travel between 20 – 60% for work during those 5 years. 
- I will miss my family and felt lonely during the travel but I told myself I work so my family can be provided and have a comfortable lifestyle. I realized that my friends around me would miss their kids especially they were at very young age and would prefer not to travel and stayed with them. 
- My goal was to have passive income and so one day I would be able to spend more time with them and work at my terms. - I overcame those years by talking with them on the phone and spent as much time with them when I am in Singapore. They were very happy when I brought presents and food back from overseas. 

I used to feel guilty that I did not have enough time with time but my coach told me that it was okay and I have spent quality time with them and got to communicate with them using face time. That would not be possible without my husband support and my helper whom I can trust to manage the household and the kids. 2nd takeaway  -  Stay focus on the goal and I overcome the challenges of being lonely when overseas and missing them during work. Now I could take career break and spending more time with them as I was able to save more when I had good income. 
- I also appreciate those times when I was overseas to connect with myself and do things that I liked. I went for movies at times when I needed a break from work and chill at hotel lounge. Those were the Me times which helped me to stay balance. 
I hope that through my sharing, it draws inspiration and personal reflection for you. I believe every woman can be a leader in your own way.  
I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you tips and ways to realize your full potential as a leader on Woman Leadership. 

What is Woman Leadership With Janet Quek?

This is the Woman Leadership show.

Hi, I'm Janet Quek . For the past 20 years, I have been helping individuals to realise their leadership potential.

In recent years, I have trained, coached and engaged leaders across the Asia Pacific Region to build high-performance teams and improve individual engagement and motivation.

In this podcast, I will share tips and ways to realise your full potential and be a leader in your own way.

Join me on this journey to discover them.