Black Entrepreneurs Survive & Thrive

Black Entrepreneurs Survive & Thrive Trailer Bonus Episode null Season 1

Black Entrepreneurs Survive and Thrive Trailer

Black Entrepreneurs Survive and Thrive TrailerBlack Entrepreneurs Survive and Thrive Trailer


Introducing The BEST (Black Entrepreneurs Survive and Thrive) Podcast, a show dedicated to highlighting the resilience of black entrepreneurs and the impact of patient capital.

This series is brought to you by the Center for Urban Entrepreneurship and Economic Development at Rutgers Business School, where we integrate scholarly works with private capital, government, and non-profit sectors to develop citywide resources and bring renewed economic growth and vitality through urban entrepreneurship. We promote and foster a new generation of urban entrepreneurs who are actively seeking a socially conscious urban renaissance.

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What is Black Entrepreneurs Survive & Thrive?

A show dedicated to highlighting the resilience of black entrepreneurs and the impact of patient capital.