Watermark Equipping Podcast

In this episode, hosts Oren and Caitlin discuss the Doctrine of Scripture by walking through the “5 P’s of Scripture” and how it should effect our everyday lives.  
Part I: Introduction (00:00-01:32) 
Part II: What are the 5 P’s of Scripture? (01:32-03:35) 
  1. Profession – Scripture claims to be God’s Word and makes good on those claims. 
  2. Production – refers to the glory of scripture; written over 1,500 years, 40+ authors, 3 continents, 66 books—and comes altogether into one grand story of redemption. 
  3. Preservation – process of canonization and transmission.  
  4. Prophecy – promises are made, and promises are kept; proves its reliability.  
  5. Personal Testimony – transformed lives. 
Part III: What does the “profession of Scripture” mean? (03:35-12:17) 
  1. “If we want to have a high view of Scripture, then we must have the same view of Scripture that Jesus has” – Dr. Mark Thompson  
Scripture Mentioned: Exodus 20, Genesis 12,15,17, 2 Samuel 12, John 1:1, Genesis 1:1, Matthew 4, Hebrews 1:1-4 
Part IV: How does the Doctrine of Inspiration apply to Scripture’s profession? (12:17-14:56) 
Scripture Mentioned: 2 Timothy 2, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Acts 16, 2 Peter 1 
Part V: What does the “production of Scripture” mean? (14:56-24:06) 
  1. What is Theological Triage? 
Scripture Mentioned: Luke 24:44-45 
Part VI: What does the “preservation of Scripture” mean? (24:06-35:44) 
  1. Three criteria for preservation: 
  2. Apostolicity
  3. Conformity & compatibility 
  4. Universality & wide-spread usage 
  5. The Process of the Biblical Canon 
  6. Michael Kruger, Canon Revisited 
  7. Michael Kruger, The Question of Canon 
  8. “Let us see Scripture as Scripture: as God speaking” – Augustine.  
Scripture Mentioned: John 14-16, Matthew 5-7, 2 Peter 3, 1 Timothy 1, 1 Corinthians 15 
Part VII: What does the “prophecy of Scripture” mean? (35:44-37:15) 
  1. How many prophecies did Jesus fulfill?  
Scripture Mentioned: Isaiah 53 
Part VIII: What does the “personal testimony of Scripture” mean? (37:15-39:43) 
Scripture Mentioned: John 6 

What is Watermark Equipping Podcast?

The Watermark Equipping Podcast is a monthly conversation about faith seeking understanding from Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas. Hosts Oren Martin and Caitlin Van Wagoner explore theological questions to help listeners know God more, so they can love God more.