Riding The Wave

On this week’s podcast, we talk business. We are joined by special guest, Monica Flores Roman, entrepreneur and financial expert of 18 years. Monica shares with us how her upbringing and tight-knit nuclear familial dynamic led to her desire to follow in her hard-working father’s footsteps in the entrepreneurial world and pursue her own business ventures. Monica emphasizes the importance of mindset as her father had instilled in her, reiterating that it is 90% mindset that leads to success, and 10% skillset. 

“El mundo es de los audaces”, a Spanish mantra that translates into, “The World is yours for the taking.” Seeking to challenge the scarcity mentality that her father’s family once upheld, Monica fervently applied the lesson learned from this motto into her life by pursuing a post-secondary education at UC Riverside, despite being discouraged by other family members. The business world is complicated to navigate, as it presents the challenge of severing ties with even those one thinks are there to support them socially and emotionally, such as family, in order to protect and maintain one’s inner peace when those individuals choose not the embrace and encourage one’s success. Monica also provides in detail the pressures that come with being a first-generation college student, sharing with us heavy and unrealistic expectations that were placed on her, and the importance of pursuing goals and aspirations that are meaningful and specific to who you are and what you represent in order to attract what you want out of your life. Monica’s journey serves as a testament to the fact that despite adversities, hardships, and challenges, persistence and dedication are key, and ultimately, the universe will align you with your passions, aspirations, and what is meant for you. She teaches us to work on believing in ourselves, hold ourselves accountable, and surround ourselves with other successful people to manifest the destiny that we want to create for ourselves and the vision of success that is true to us.

Riding the Wave puts our audience first. We want to hear your high and low tides. No judgment! DM us on Instagram @ridingthewave2024, and we will respond to your questions in a future show.

Creators & Guests

James "MJ" Escalera

What is Riding The Wave ?

Welcome to the Riding the Wave podcast, where we talk about the daily struggles we call life. In being a part of this community, we want to hear your high and low tides. With no judgment! The purpose of this podcast is to connect with our audience and try to put ourselves in your shoes. We are here to motivate to all our listeners but also give any of you Kings and Queens an opportunity to share your story. With unity, we can overcome any obstacle. The first step of overcoming challenges is to face them head-on. No more deflecting or hiding our pain with a smile. It's time for enlightenment. At Riding the Wave, we put YOU , the audience FIRST. Join us on this voyage and discover the pursuit of happiness.