Traits of Effective Leaders - With Michael Lang

On this episode of Traits of Effective Leaders Podcast, Jon Lindsay, Director of Joined-Up joins us . Jon is a leading authority in “Joined Up” Leadership and in his mentoring, facilitating and speaking he draws from many of the world’s foremost business thinkers to promote those ideas based on core principles, common sense and simple models. In conversation with Michael they discuss important leadership traits, decision making in an organisation, Jon’s time as a member with TEC, accountability, Marcus Child’s outlook and more...

Links from the episode
Find Jon Lindsay on LinkedIn:
Marcus Child:

This episode was brought to you by SG Partners, because #WeGiveAShift.

About your host: Michael Lang from SG Partners

Michael is an International Speaker Master NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) practitioner and owner of SG Partners. Michael has spent the last 25+ years working in a variety of roles assisting organisations to realise their revenue potential. Michael founded SG Partners in 2007. Since then, SG Partners has grown and is continuing to provide leadership and sales effectiveness improvements across Australia and the world.

You can contact Michael on LinkedIn right now and discover how SG Partners could support you today. Still unsure of where exactly to start? Check out our free resource library.

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Show Notes

On this episode of Traits of Effective Leaders Podcast, Jon Lindsay, Director of Joined-Up joins us . Jon is a leading authority in “Joined Up” Leadership and in his mentoring, facilitating and speaking he draws from many of the world’s foremost business thinkers to promote those ideas based on core principles, common sense and simple models. In conversation with Michael they discuss important leadership traits, decision making in an organisation, Jon’s time as a member with TEC, accountability, Marcus Child’s outlook and more...

Links from the episode 
Find Jon Lindsay on LinkedIn:
Marcus Child:

This episode was brought to you by SG Partners, because #WeGiveAShift.

About your host: Michael Lang from SG Partners

Michael is an International Speaker Master NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) practitioner and owner of SG Partners. Michael has spent the last 25+ years working in a variety of roles assisting organisations to realise their revenue potential. Michael founded SG Partners in 2007. Since then, SG Partners has grown and is continuing to provide leadership and sales effectiveness improvements across Australia and the world.

You can contact Michael on LinkedIn right now and discover how SG Partners could support you today. Still unsure of where exactly to start? Check out our free resource library.

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  • Want to come on board as a show sponsor?
  • Have a story of success or lessons learnt through failure that you would like to share as a guest?
  • Have any feedback or suggestions on how to make this show even better?

Email We can’t wait to hear from you!

What is Traits of Effective Leaders - With Michael Lang?

Conversations with real people in business.

Do you want to hear from incredible leaders and become even more effective at what you do? Welcome to the Traits of Effective Leaders Podcast - an interview based series that deep dives into the nitty gritty of leadership effectiveness. Each episode explores the insights, experiences and lessons learnt shared by an incredible lineup of real business leaders, aimed to support and inspire those aspiring to be, or already in the C-suite.