Stop Self-Silencing

In this episode we are looking at the next reason you might be self-silencing, which is a feeling that many of us struggle with - the sense that our thoughts and ideas are insignificant.

Show Notes

Have you ever hesitated to share your opinion, a story about your life, or to add your two-cents because you thought it didn't matter? 

Have you kept your ideas to yourself, believing they weren't good enough or wouldn't make an impact? 

Maybe you’ve been about to say something or post on social media, you have thoughts like, 'Why would anyone care?’, ‘Why would they listen to me?’, ‘Nothing I have to say is that unique or interesting’, and ‘What I have to say has probably already been said before.’ 

These thoughts are more common than you might realise, especially for us quieter types, who are naturally introspective and aren’t used to sharing our inner thoughts as openly or as readily. 

So how do we overcome this feeling? 

I want to share with you one of my Impact Rules; one of the rules that guides me and my approach to showing up.

The rule is: Approach new things with an experimental mindset, treating them as opportunities for learning and growth. Also known as: The Experiment Mentality. 

This encourages you to approach posting something on social media or doing something new in your business as an experiment. 

Instead of feeling the pressure to get it "perfect," you're simply testing a hypothesis and gathering data. You’re just putting things out there to see what sticks.

Want more help and support on your visibility journey? Visit to learn more and take the first step towards a more visible, empowered, and authentic you. 

What is Stop Self-Silencing?

Helping quiet coaches and impact makers to show up and speak out on social media and beyond.

In this mini-podcast series you'll explore the challenges of self-silencing; that is when we hold back from expressing our thoughts, ideas, opinions and perspectives for fear of potential consequences.

You'll discover what self-silencing looks like, how it might be impacting you, and uncover tools and techniques to help you overcome it.

Your voice needs to be heard; unleash the power within you and embark on the transformative journey of embracing your unique individuality, allowing yourself to express with unwavering confidence, raw authenticity, and unapologetic self-assurance.