Trans Tasman Gibberish

Trans Tasman Gibberish Trailer Bonus Episode 16 Season 1

Sweet Sixteen and never agreed on anything?

It's a big episode for the boys as a couple huge events in their respective homelands. NZ had the election and after what seems like an eternity of judgement by Adam the verdict is in. The Aussies voted on "The Voice" and all was not what it seemed? Misinformation and character assassinations was par for the course. 
Where does this leave both countries? I don't think anyone knows haha.

What is Trans Tasman Gibberish?

Matt and Adam are two Aussie blokes from similar walks of life. One now lives on the Gold Coast of Australia and the other in New Zealand. Each week they will discuss current affairs from their homeland and what is thought to be news in their respective countries of residence.