It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark

In this recovery, there are many miracles. We have the choice to either to embrace the miracles and take part in them, or step around and deny them. As we open our hearts to our recovery and let it guide and teach us, we receive many gifts. We develop compassion for ourselves and others, we create a healthier relationship with our mind, body, and spirit, we free ourselves from the oppression of self-hatred and limited self-perceptions, and most simply, we learn to love ourselves.

Whitney Walker is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in addiction, eating disorders, trauma, and Spirituality. She also works as a recovery coach and spiritual guide. Whitney opened a private practice in the California Bay Area where she sees clients, couples, and families. She worked for several years  prior in clinic/community settings with extensive recovery experience including acting as the Clinical Manager of Wellness Retreat Recovery Center’s  Intensive Outpatient Program. Whitney incorporates spiritual concepts into her work including the return of the Divine Feminine to our world and moving from a place of Fear to Love; releasing self-destruction and rejection to embrace unconditional self love and acceptance. These ideas form the concept of Women Waken, her website and passion project. Whitney created The Women Waken Podcast; A Holistic Guide to Wellness and Abundant Self-Love along with an accompanying Youtube channel, please check it out! 
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What is It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark?

It's Not About Food podcast is about learning how to love and accept the body you have, re-learn how to eat intuitively and to know how to take care of your emotions.