The Mrs Barbara Nice & Friends Podcast

Arthur Smith joins Barbara to talk alternative comedy heydays, being arrested for his art and gigging with Robin Williams

Show Notes

Today, Barbara has invited 200th @podcastnice twitter follower (perhaps known for more than that) Arthur Smith onto the podcast to receive the benefit of his lockdown wisdom

Arthur was a man who regularly held gigs inside his Ballam property, so he is well suited to this lockdown comedy situation we all find ourselves in at the moment
They also talk alternative comedy, mysterious garden plants, being arrested in Edinburgh for 2am loudspeaker tours and having to follow the great Robin Williams on stage in London

Follow Arthur Smith on Twitter:

And his book mentioned in the podcast is here:

Keep your ratings and reviews coming in, if you think the podcast worthy of them!
We need all the help we can get to get more lug'oles on this podcast to spread a bit of lock down cheer to as many people as possible!

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Mrs Barbara Nice and Friends is a Brum Radio Production.

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What is The Mrs Barbara Nice & Friends Podcast?

Mrs Barbara Nice is finally persuaded to sit down for half an hour or so and share what's she's been getting up to that week.
Spend time in Barbara's world and meet some of her friends too as they discuss topics close to her heart.