It Takes A Village

It Takes a Village is back!
In this episode, Kurt, Tanner, and Chelsea talk about getting back into the rhythm of the school year. Through important connections like family dinner, prayer, and encouragement, we can shepherd our children through a time that can be exhausting.

Home Word Center - Topics for Helping Families Succeed
The Family Dinner Project - Recipes for families to try, conservation of week guides, tips on eating as a family and MORE!
Khan Academy - FREE video lessons for multiple subjects. Teachers sometimes use in classroom to help demonstrate how visually on a topic especially useful for learning math. 

What is It Takes A Village?

Welcome to It Takes a Village, a podcast for parents of teenagers. This podcast is hosted by the Youth Ministry staff at First Baptist Arlington. You're not alone in this parenting journey! Here you'll find resources and ideas to help equip you as the primary discipler in your child's life. Each week, we'll discuss different topics and issues that directly affect teenagers, along with real life ways that you can intentionally support and shape your child.