Crossmap Podcast

‘Miracle' is a term that sadly gets thrown around in trivial ways that ultimately dilutes the deep manifestations of the word.
How many times have you been watching a sporting event where you hear a play-by-play announcer innocuously say, “Well, this team really needs a miracle right now if they want to have any chance of winning."

It seems like an appropriate thing to say until you realize that this is Game 87 of a 162 game schedule. This is likely the seventh or eighth time he has uttered the phrase already during the season and there is a high probability he or she will use it a few more times in the 75 games that remain on the schedule.

Now, consider the miracles that are found in the Bible. In the tried and true pages of the New Testament, we find that Jesus can take the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary. Turning water into wine, feeding 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish, and resurrecting someone from the dead are miracles in the truest sense of the word.

Rabbi Jason Sobel believes that God wants to bless you abundantly so you, in turn, can bless others and sow into His kingdom.
In his latest book, “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah,” Rabbi Sobel dives deep into Scripture, Biblical culture, and ancient texts to help readers better understand the truths, and the power behind God’s miracles, and to increase their faith that Jesus can perform miracles in their life, even today.

Rabbi Sobel joins us on the Crossmap Podcast to talk about why it is so important to dive into the ancient texts to better understand the truth and power behind God’s miracles. Listen as he shares evidence that God wants to bless us abundantly.

Buy Signs and Secrets of the Messiah on Amazon

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What is Crossmap Podcast?

The Crossmap Podcast features inspiring heart-to-heart conversations with Christian newsmakers of the day including authors, experts, pastors, and entertainers on topics that are good for the entire family while honoring your faith-based values.

Join Crossmap managing editor Chris Carpenter as he engages guests in thought-provoking but light-hearted banter on subjects that shape and influence our culture through the lens of faith. Gain valuable insight on how to live a meaningful Christian life and experience laughs along the way too!

The Crossmap Podcast is part of the Edifi Podcast Network