The #InVinoFab Podcast

There’s been a bit of radio silence from us on the #InVinoFab for a while, and that’s been intentional. We wanted to spend the last month listening, learning, and unlearning -- so you didn’t need to hear from us. In this episode we unpack a few thoughts and what we're working on with regards to privilege, allyship, and then some. This is just the start of what we will continue to talk about, share, & discuss on the #InVinoFab podcast.

Show Notes

In Vino Fabulum! In Wine, Story!
Find the #InVinoFab podcast on Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, & Apple Podcasts
To subscribe and listen to the next episode of #InVinoFab on: with hashtag: #InVinoFab 

Email us to be a guest or share a topic suggestion? 
Connect with your co-hosts on Twitter: (she/her) (she/her)

There’s been a bit of radio silence from us on the #InVinoFab for a while, and that’s been intentional. We wanted to spend the last month listening, learning, and unlearning -- so you didn’t need to hear from us. Both Patrice & Laura want to make space and amplify other voices. We can learn so much from others and we want to be candid in how we show up and look at “feminism” more broadly in our personal and professional lives. 

A few reflection questions we are thinking of these days: 
  • What memories do you have about what your family taught you about diversity?
  • What childhood experiences did you have with people of different cultures?
  • What does it mean to think of feminism when it is paired with gender identity, sexual orientation, class, race, economics, culture, and more? 
  • How are you thinking about equity and inclusion lately? 
  • What are you doing to impact or change any privilege you might possess? 

“A revolution is not a one time event.” Audrey Lorde, Sister Outsider

#InVinoFab recommendations to watch, read, or listen to:

Showing Up for Racial Justice - join, get connected to a chapter or donate!

Podcasts or episodes to listen to:
TED Talks: Understanding Racism in America
How to talk about politics and race in the workplace 

#ShutDownAcademia #ShutDownSTEM Resources 

Do you want to join us for a future episode to discuss any of the above? Let us know -- we want to hear from you!

What is The #InVinoFab Podcast?

The #InVinoFab Podcast uncorks to share stories about women+, wine, and work through personal stories. In Vino Fabulum, means: In Wine, Story! Co-hosts @ProfPatrice & @LauraPasquini bring different voices and ideas to the pod to challenge, learn, and engage listeners for issues and ideas impacting women in their communities and at work. These narrative episodes are delightfully paired with interesting projects, workplace experiences, helpful learning anecdotes, and creative discoveries for how women live today. Listen to the podcast and join the conversation at @InVinoFab (Instagram & Twitter).