Just DAO It: A Podcast for People Starting DAOs

I interview Spencer Graham of DAOHaus.

Show Notes

What Spencer is currently working on: DAO House v3

DAO House at its essence is an app. And they are building additional applications on top of the foundational infrastructure to improve the services available at DAO House. There is the potential for new products, businesses, or even applications to operate under DAO House v3. 

Common Growing Pains of New DAOs

Permission list environments are difficult to navigate and it can become impossible to get anything done. From an informational and social perspective, too many people on a DAO without specific priorities and jobs can spiral into chaos quickly. Full decentralization is difficult to achieve and may not be totally possible for DAOs just starting out. New DAOs should keep in mind how they will be practicing decentralization in the future, but you don’t have to do that from day one. 

Spencer’s Favorite DAO Running Tools 

Spencer’s favorite tool would be the one he created, Hats Protocol. His tool supports the delegation of responsibility to DAO members. It supports DAOs in creating roles and assigning them to teams, sub-DAOs, or team leaders. 

Spencer’s Favorite DAOs

The WGI DAO is focused on community builders. They are helping DAO-native communities flourish, and they are doing amazing work both within their own DAO and other DAOs. He also uses Smart Invoice which serves as a third-party billing and contract system for web3 clients. 

Connect with Spender

Connect with Adam

What is Just DAO It: A Podcast for People Starting DAOs?

Just DAO It! is a podcast for people starting DAOs. Are you thinking about starting a DAO? Just DAO It! Every episode will cover recent DAO news, tweets, and posts from around the web. We’ll break down what the news means for you and combine it with great advice from people who have started or contributed to successful DAOs.

Disclaimer: Just DAO It! is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Just DAO It does **not** contain any legal or financial advice. MIDAO also does not provide legal or financial advice, and nor does your host, yours truly.

Just DAO It! is hosted by Adam Miller, the founder of MIDAO, the company that provides legal entities for DAOs.