Loyal listeners... Jen and Alise are sucking the life out of the last few days of Summer and the transition to Fall so please enjoy this oldie but goodie episode. Be warned, we the holiday season. We know it's early for that but the content is oh so good! What? Social media, Pinterest, gender reveal parties with exploding cakes, all the talk about birth stories… everywhere you look there’s this realized version of what pregnancy and what birth looks like. Everyone has a perfect bump in their fitted dress. Those who birth best are “called to ideal birth”. They write their birth affirmations, they build the birth alters and they birth without breaking a sweat. Their birth photographers know just the right angles to never catch sight of any medical equipment or a hair out of place. She walks the perfect line of badass and modest femininity.

Show Notes

The "birth"  version of porn is only showing the world large breasts with large nipples and “perfect” bodies. 

This is a realistic view but only a snapshot. This isn’t a big picture view. This is another form of mom guilt. How do you live in the moment and stay authentic to who you are and what you want?

This doesn’t only apply to birth. This also applies to pregnancy. In early pregnancy when you are feeling sluggish and it feels hard to get out of bed, t can be so hard to see #nurserygoals or elaborate babymoons. 

Some women feel depressed during pregnancy or feel sick during their whole pregnancy. If you’re on bedrest through most of your pregnancy or even most of your final trimester, we see you. You aren’t likely to have an elaborate gender reveal. 

Let’s also fast forward to postpartum. You may not look like the person in the newborn and family photos. We are actually hoping that you aren’t bouncing back. You might be struggling with mood and social media may be a lifeline or make you feel more isolated.

Decide what feels better. Use social where it feels right.

In the same way that a Playboy photo is a photo of a real woman but photoshopped, background changed, details rearranged… social media is a form of birth porn. We get a tiny glimpse of what someone wants to show of their pregnancy, birth or postpartum. Like pornography, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy, guilt, depression, feeling less than or a variety of other emotions, including anger. All of these stages around having a baby are often out of our control.


Pushing It Podcast is here to help you bring your "F" word (AKA flexibility) to birth, find courage, and gain a sense of humor. Jen and Alise get honest and real about pregnancy, birth, and life with a baby. Finally, a podcast for everyone else having a baby that wants the down and dirty truth from Professionals who believe there is no "right" way to birth or parent. Jen and Alise have your back because if you can't laugh without peeing yourself, you might as well laugh at yourself while doing it. Birth is never boring, learning about shouldn't be either.