The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast

It seems like we have more things to disagree about than ever since the rise of the COVID pandemic.

But one thing that most people can agree on is that stress has increased dramatically during this time.

We have to remember that humans were not designed to live under chronic stress.

In chiropractic, we’ve been talking about stress and the nervous system for over 100 years.

But now more than ever, all of us who practice hands-on healing modalities and work with healing the nervous system are needed.

As we lay hands on stressed-out people day after day, we have to take care of our selves.

In this conversation with Dr. Monique Andrews of The Prana Foundation, we talk about how to cultivate resilience--personally, professionally and clinically.

Please join us for this very important conversation.

What is The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast?

Welcome to The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast! Dr. Danielle and other guest experts talk about everything from getting your practice started, developing your clinical skills, growing your practice YOUR way, and dealing with the real stuff life burnout and work/life balance. Whether you’ve been practicing for decades or just started your journey, you’ll find something here for you!