Trivia Escape Pod

Dog-Eared Books owners Stephanie Stegemoller and Caitlynne Garland come aboard to answer questions about Friends, state capitals and “dirty” things. They puzzle over an “Add One Word” movie round, and talk about their upcoming picture book chronicling the adventures of River, The Three-Legged Dog.

Follow Dr. Spin on Twitter: @yingling

Follow Endless Jeopardy on Twitter: @EndlessJeopardy

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Show Notes

Dog-Eared Books owners Stephanie Stegemoller and Caitlynne Garland come aboard to answer questions about Friends, state capitals and “dirty” things. They puzzle over an “Add One Word” movie round, and talk about their upcoming picture book chronicling the adventures of River, The Three-Legged Dog.

Follow Dr. Spin on Twitter: @yingling

Follow Endless Jeopardy on Twitter: @EndlessJeopardy

Follow Dog-Eared Books on Facebook:

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What is Trivia Escape Pod?

Trivia hosts trapped in deep space. A cranky engineer. An escape pod that runs on correct answers to trivia questions. An array of fascinating guests. Test your knowledge of history, pop culture, science, geography, and just about any other topic our AI can dream up!