Stop Self-Silencing

In this episode we explore why being aware of self-silencing is so important and how it affects us more deeply than we might realise.

Show Notes

Self-silencing can subtly creep into our lives, often without us even noticing. It’s often the voice in the back of our heads telling us to stay quiet, to not rock the boat. 

It limits our potential to connect genuinely, to make meaningful impact, and to grow as individuals. 

It's an innate fear, and while this fear can sometimes serve as a protective mechanism, alerting us to real dangers, it often oversteps its bounds. It holds us back from expressing ourselves, from taking risks that could lead to growth.

It's important to recognise when fear is acting as a guardian and when it's acting as a gatekeeper to our self-expression.

The key is to recognise when fear is serving a purpose and when it's merely holding us back from expressing our true selves. It's about listening to our fear, understanding its roots, and then making a rational decision about whether it's a genuine warning or an irrational barrier.

To help with identifying why you self-silence, check out the What’s Holding Your Back? Self-Silencing Quiz.

Want more help and support on your visibility journey? Visit to learn more and take the first step towards a more visible, empowered, and authentic you. 

What is Stop Self-Silencing?

Helping quiet coaches and impact makers to show up and speak out on social media and beyond.

In this mini-podcast series you'll explore the challenges of self-silencing; that is when we hold back from expressing our thoughts, ideas, opinions and perspectives for fear of potential consequences.

You'll discover what self-silencing looks like, how it might be impacting you, and uncover tools and techniques to help you overcome it.

Your voice needs to be heard; unleash the power within you and embark on the transformative journey of embracing your unique individuality, allowing yourself to express with unwavering confidence, raw authenticity, and unapologetic self-assurance.