Warhorn Blog Posts

Must we wait quietly in our offices hoping and praying for visits from new converts before we unburden our consciences and finally ‘fess up to our true convictions about each of these stumbling blocks that lead our sheep to Hell?

When did we decide that, in our preaching of the Gospel, we would no longer trust in the power of the Holy Spirit? Every one of us should be scandalized by Pastor Keller’s betrayal of the grace of the law in Gospel preaching.

This is a large part of the true impact of Tim Keller on the Church of Jesus Christ in our time.

What is Warhorn Blog Posts?

Audio versions of the blog posts on Warhorn, usually read by the author. If you like these, don't miss the Out of Our Minds Podcast featuring Nathan Alberson and pastors Tim Bayly and Jake Mentzel in biweekly (fornightly) conversations about current events and the Church.