NNSW Prayer Conference Podcast

Welcome back to the NNSW Prayer Conference 2023 podcast. In this episode, we bring you the Sabbath School program with our guest speaker, Pastor Nicu Dumbrava, the AUC Personal Ministries director.

During the program, Pastor Nicu reflects on Jonah's story and the book's key message - that salvation comes from the Lord alone. He notes that Jonah became the greatest evangelist despite only preaching one sentence and that even those outside the church can repent and be saved by grace.

Pastor Nicu emphasizes the importance of understanding God's grace, mercy, and compassion, as demonstrated in Jonah's story. He urges listeners to pray, seek an understanding of God's character, and share the three angels' message with the world.

Following the message, Pastor Nicu leads a season of prayer, encouraging listeners to pray for one specific thing they took away from the news and to apply it in their lives. He closes the prayer by asking God to pour His spirit on the listeners and to bless the upcoming worship service.

Overall, this episode focuses on the importance of understanding and sharing God's grace and mercy, drawing from the story of Jonah to illustrate these concepts. Listen in and be inspired to seek a deeper understanding of God's character and to share the message of salvation with others.

What is NNSW Prayer Conference Podcast?

Welcome to the NNSW Prayer Conference podcast channel, where we bring you powerful messages, uplifting worship, and sweet fellowship from this incredible event.