Test Don't Guess - Functional Lab Chats

In this episode, Emily Ames and I talk about how you can start transitioning from working with clients 1:1 to offering a course, and still use functional labs to get those bio-individual results with clients! We talk about the different benefits of online courses and the best way to start creating your first one!

Emily is a Nutritional Therapist turned Online Course Coach.  Her specialty is supporting holistic practitioners, nutritional therapists, and those in the health and wellness space build their online businesses and reach larger audiences via online courses.  She graduated from Gettysburg college in Political science and has a corporate career background in fundraising, Recruitment, knowledge management, and operations.  

Her passion is to empower holistic practitioners, health coaches, and nutritionists to share their knowledge and expertise and also help them avoid 1:1 burnout.  She loves teaching others about passive income and how to streamline their business so they can actually enjoy their work + life!

Through her work, she believes she is able to not only help women build their businesses but also bring greater healing to the world through her students' online courses.
She lives in Nashville and loves live music and trying all the great food in the city.


Have you joined the party in the Private Test Don't Guess Facebook Community yet?!

Jensen can be found @testdontguess

Grab this FREE Guide >> The Ultimate Guide to Adding HTMA - All your HTMA questions ANSWERED!

Are you HTMA-curious? >> Instant HTMA Professional Course Details 

Show Notes

In this episode, Emily Ames and I talk about how you can start transitioning from working with clients 1:1 to offering a course, and still use functional labs to get those bio-individual results with clients! We talk about the different benefits of online courses and the best way to start creating your first one!

Emily is a Nutritional Therapist turned Online Course Coach.  Her specialty is supporting holistic practitioners, nutritional therapists, and those in the health and wellness space build their online businesses and reach larger audiences via online courses.  She graduated from Gettysburg college in Political science and has a corporate career background in fundraising, Recruitment, knowledge management, and operations.  

Her passion is to empower holistic practitioners, health coaches, and nutritionists to share their knowledge and expertise and also help them avoid 1:1 burnout.  She loves teaching others about passive income and how to streamline their business so they can actually enjoy their work + life!

Through her work, she believes she is able to not only help women build their businesses but also bring greater healing to the world through her students' online courses.

She lives in Nashville and loves live music and trying all the great food in the city.




Have you joined the party in the Private Test Don't Guess Facebook Community yet?!

Jensen can be found @testdontguess

Grab this FREE Guide >> The Ultimate Guide to Adding HTMA - All your HTMA questions ANSWERED!

Are you HTMA-curious? >> Instant HTMA Professional Course Details 

What is Test Don't Guess - Functional Lab Chats?

Test Don't Guess is the podcast unlicensed health practitioners interested in functional lab testing have been searching for! If you're anything like the host, Jensen, you had no idea you had access to all kinds of different functional labs when you graduated with your nutrition certification. Through interviews with practitioners, lab experts, and course creators, you'll learn how your colleagues are using gut, hormone, mold, mineral testing and more to confidently work with clients and grow your practice!