The Espresso Hour

In this episode, we sit down with the founder and CEO of Gumroad, Sahil Lavingia, to discuss: Using writing to validate product demand, what the best writers and entrepreneurs have in common, how to use specificity to build something valuable, and lots more!

Show Notes

Sahil Lavingia knows a thing or two about writing, building, and productizing yourself.

He's the CEO of Gumroad, a company that helps creators earn a living doing things they love. He's also the author of The Minimalist Entrepreneur, a playbook for starting, building, and growing a sustainable, profitable business that you actually enjoy running.

And in this conversation, Ship 30 for 30 Captains Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole will sit down to discuss:
  • Using writing to validate product demand
  • What the best writers and entrepreneurs have in common
  • How to use specificity to build something valuable
  • How you can apply a 30-day challenge model to writing and entrepreneurship to accelerate your feedback loops

What is The Espresso Hour?

In each episode, we share our insights, tactics, and lessons learned as we scale our writing education company to $10mm. If you're looking for "insider" tips to help you grow and scale your digital business, you're going to love The Espresso Hour!