The Power Loop Podcast

In today’s episode Laura dives deep into the teaching on “Change your story = Change your life”, one of her favorite teachings from Tony Robbins. 
Tune in and receive; 
-       The Power Line Method; A tangible journaling exercise to help you change your story (to change your life!)
-       Ideas on how to flip your story’s narrative to something that truly serves you 
-       An insight into Laura’s personal story
We cannot control what happens, but what we can always control is; your perception of the situation & your attitude towards it! 
Try out this journaling exercise and feel the biggest confidence empowerment boost you’ve felt in ages! 

If you want to connect with Laura - feel free to join her on instagram:

Feeling ready to live your dream life? Grab Laura’s FREE COURSE “The Leap” right here:

How to work with Laura & any additional curiosities can be solved by visiting her website:

What is The Power Loop Podcast ?

Personal power is what you need to lead your life towards your desires, whether that’s in your career, relationships or life in general. The Power Loop Podcast teaches you just that! This is your podcast for all things personal power - here we talk; personal growth, relationships, money, business, spirituality - all to support you in creating your dream life!