UT Journeys

Join us for an inspiring episode featuring Alexandra Mulder as we explore her diverse array of involvements and initiatives at the University of Twente. From her impactful work with Amnesty Twente, where she shares insights into its origins, events, and the qualities sought in activists, to her involvement with The Consent Project, a vital initiative promoting awareness and education on consent. 

Dive into Alexandra's experiences as a University Innovation Fellow, where she sheds light on the application of design thinking in everyday life and discusses her project. Learn how Alexandra effectively balances her various commitments alongside her studies at UT, as she shares her insights on recognizing and managing burnout. 

Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation with Alexandra Mulder!

P.S. The links for The Consent Project are not here, as it's still yet to be started, so stay tuned!   

What is UT Journeys?

Listen to entertaining talks with ambitious students to discover exciting secrets and upgrade your study journey!
In our episodes, we talk with motivated students from the University of Twente about their
- Student life
- Extracurricular courses
- Jobs
- Study associations
- Any other opportunities at the UT

If you want to make your student life more vibrant, this is the podcast for you!

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