Sabbath School From Home

Messianic elements in the Psalms can be tricky to handle. 

Some psalms obviously (to our eyes) foreshadow aspects of the earthly life and ministry of Jesus. Psalm 22 and 23 contain perhaps the most prominent examples, which we enjoyed in the first season of Sabbath School from Home. Psalm 2 makes mention of "submitting to God's royal son", but there's some cultural and linguistic context worth exploring. We ponder the challenges of prophecy, inspiration, and messianic interpretations.

What is Sabbath School From Home?

Sabbath School is perhaps the most communal and participatory element of a regular Seventh-day Adventist church event (after foot-washing), but social distancing has us all isolated at home. This is a weekly Sabbath School styled conversation on Biblical themes and passages. Join in the conversation by writing comments/questions to .