Next Gen in Lodging by Hotel News Now

NextGen In Lodging host Christopher Henry, CEO of Majestic Hospitality, guides an exploration of the intricate interplay between global affairs and the enchanting world of travel. Henry and guests Gus Gleiter and Leslie Boggess engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the impact of various global phenomena on travel experiences. The conversation delved into the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, unraveling how it reshaped travel norms, safety protocols and the essence of wanderlust. Civil unrests and geopolitical tensions were also in the spotlight, as the podcast explored their ramifications on travel patterns. The ripple effects of political instability, protests and diplomatic shifts were scrutinized, offering a comprehensive understanding of how global affairs directly influence the choices and behaviors of modern travelers. The podcast ventured into the aftermath of natural disasters that have shaken the world in recent years. From hurricanes to earthquakes, understand how these events have not only disrupted travel logistics but also spurred a reconsideration of sustainable and resilient travel practices.

What is Next Gen in Lodging by Hotel News Now?

NextGen in Lodging is a monthly podcast that examines systemic and trending issues in the hospitality industry.

Co-hosts Davonne Reaves, Chris Henry, and Omari Head unlock the brain trust through interviews with emerging leaders in travel and tourism to share their thoughts and ideas for fresh strategies to combat system wide challenges. The next generation of executives strive to revolutionize the hospitality industry for the 21st century.