First Baptist Arlington Sermons

Dennis R. Wiles 
First Baptist Arlington 
December 22, 2024 
ADVENT 2024 
Together . . . in the Light 
December 1 - 31, 2024 
Preaching Voice: Evangelist 
For God So Loved 
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 
A Glimpse Ahead . . . Flourishing Together! 

Today we turn our attention to the “Why?” of Christmas! 
For God so loved . . . that He gave His one and only Son . . .! 
ABC’s of Christmas! 
ABC’s of Easter! 
The Suffering Servant is . . . The Messiah, Jesus Christ, Savior, and Lord! 
Our Savior’s sacrifice makes it possible for us to be found, forgiven, set free, and live forever! 
As followers of the Suffering Servant, we are called to a lifetime of service in His Name.

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