Bold Boundaries Podcast

Emotions are the body's way of communicating with us. They keep us safe, the motivate us, they help us understand the world and who we are in it. Emotions are the great communicator, and this week I am talking about 5 specific emotions that are signals that a boundary needs to be set. 

I talk about what it looks like to recognize that emotion, and the steps we can take to understand what that emotion is trying to tell us. As always, I'm helping you set boundaries in response to these emotions so you can live a happier, more authentic life.

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What is Bold Boundaries Podcast?

A weekly conversation helping you set healthy boundaries to live a happier life. This podcast give you actionable information the helps you identify where a boundary is needed, and understand how to set and hold a healthy boundary to improve your relationships. Hosted by Boundaries Coach, Dianna Terry, this weekly conversation offers her years of learning and insight into why boundaries will change your life.