The Shema Podcast for the Perplexed

At the core of being a Jew is the belief that Hashem orchestrates every detail of our lives with love and for our ultimate good. This raises a fundamental question: if everything in our lives is already perfectly constructed by Hashem in that moment then why do we pray for things we feel we lack, if we are to believe that we everything is already perfect? In this episode, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe joins us to explore this apparent paradox. We delve into the relationship between Emunah (faith) and prayer and discuss the roles of segulos (spiritual remedies) and asking tzaddikim (righteous individuals) to pray on our behalf.

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What is The Shema Podcast for the Perplexed?

A Baal Teshuva shares Torah insights, intertwined through personal stories and interviews with leading Torah Scholars to demonstrate the empowering qualities of Torah and mitzvot.