Cost of Glory

Crassus' famous campaign against the Parthians - what motivated it?  What happened at Carrhae?  What can we learn from it?

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Key Figures
Marcus Licinius Crassus - The Protagonist 
Gaius Pompeius Magnus - Pompey, the Rival 
Lucius Licinius Crassus - the Orator 
Publius Licinius Crassus - Crassus' father 
Publius Licinius Crassus - Crassus' Son 
Publius Clodius Pulcher - The Playboy Mobster 
Titus Annius Milo - Anti-Mobster 
Marcus Tullius Cicero - The Mentor 
Gaius Julius Caesar - The Triumvir 
Marcus Porcius Cato - The Nemesis 
Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus - The Challenger 
Ptolemy XII "Auletes" - The Piper King 
Aulus Gabinius - Pompey's Crony in Syria 
Trebonius - Willing Tribune 
Ateius (Capito) - Unwilling Tribune 
Gaius Cassius Longinus - The Assassin 
Octavius - The Junior Officer 
Orodes II - King of Parthia 
Mithradates IV - Parthian Usurper 
Surena - the Parthian Commander at Carrhae 

Key Places 
Ravenna - City in Northern Italy (cisalpine Gaul) 
Luca - City in Northern Italy (Etruria/Cisalpine Gaul) 
Curia - The Senate house 
Syria - Roman Province 
Euphrates River 

Italian quote at the beginning: Dante, Purgatorio XX

What is Cost of Glory?

The most influential biographies ever written, admired by leaders, creators, soldiers, and thinkers for nearly 2,000 years: Plutarch’s Parallel lives. Essential listening for anyone striving after greatness. Alex Petkas, former professor of ancient philosophy and history, revives and dramatically retells these unforgettable stories for modern audiences. The subjects are statesmen, generals, orators, and founders; pious and profane, stoics and hedonists. The stakes bear on the future of Western civilization. The cost of glory is always great. Visit to find out more.