It Is Written Canada

Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but lately a movement known as the Satanic Temple is on the rise, with congregations all over the world, and groups popping up throughout Canada over the last three years.

At their annual sold-out Satanic Conferences, titled SATANCON, they teach: demonology, how to get satanic clubs into the schools, and how to raise children in a satanic household.

They say: “…we see Lucifer as being that eternal rebel within all of us. Satanists adhere to the principle of individual sovereignty.”

The Christian worldview, on the other hand, is faithfully different.

What is It Is Written Canada?

Have you ever asked yourself: “Why is my willpower so weak?” Research shows that people who think they have the strongest willpower are actually the most likely to fall when they are tempted.


The answer might surprise you...

This is an audio version of the video episodes you can find on and our YouTube page: