Price of Admission

D.R. King has 9 kids! Drexel and Johnna have an outstanding story of opening up their home, the joint effort it takes, how to balance, and bringing order and peace to the chaos. they’ve set out on.  Drex was a NFB  defensive back - senior season ’08, class of ’09. As a big face in the Marine Corp (, he represented himself - Level headed, always seemed to have a plan, had a sureness about himself, was fundamentally sound with strong conviction.  Today building community through entrepreneurship, discipleship, and extending grace.  Likely this one “steers you in the right way”. Check out his latest venture King & Co LLC. here: and kick start a conversation.

What is Price of Admission ?

Perseverance stories from all phases of the journey, capturing critical confidence realizations that built character and teams.

Contact: For any Q&A or if you have interest in speaking on POA, please send a note to