In today's episode Ross (Mr. Hands episode! @guyrespecter) and Caleb (the ocean episode! @theboghog) join Josiah for an absolute train wreck of an episode that begins with the subject "animals" and eventually becomes about a guy that tried to do trial by combat with his ex-wife. We discuss some terrible prank calls Josiah did as a child and a stupid purchase Caleb made as a child, all while working through a list of questions to ask on dates or 'for fun.' I'm sorry. Today's episode was brought to you by Bird Law.
PUBLISHED 3/22/2021
From July 2020 to June 2021, two guys named Jared and Josiah made a podcast. After they stopped, one of them forgot to update the hosting to keep the show up. So Josiah is uploading all the old episodes for those that want to hear them.