Maamar BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 | Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky

The nurture received by the nether side comes from G-d's encompassing light ("Or Makkif") that is above the framework of the Spiritual Cosmos. The prosperity that emanates from that source is dispensed without any calculations.

What is Maamar BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 | Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky?

In this Podcast you can join the in-depth Chassidus classes given at Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim (Morristown, NJ) by Rabbi Zalman Dubinsky on the Maamar BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 (מאמר ד"ה ביום עשתי עשר יום תשל"א).