Episode 1
Season 3
Quan Huynh
Quan works as the Senior Post Release Program Manager for Defy Ventures, a non-profit helping those with a criminal past transform their lives through the journey of entrepreneurship. After spending twenty-two years in and out of correctional institutions, Quan was paroled from a life sentence in 2015 and created his first company six months later. The following year, he received the Peace Fellowship Award for his work with the Alternatives to Violence Project. Quan has been featured in Entrepreneur, PBS Newshour, Talks at Google, and numerous other publications and podcasts.
Quan is genuine. He is the real deal. He did so much hard internal work and is intentional in how he lives now. His desire to give back, serve, and encourage is evident in his life. At the bottom of his email Quan has a quote from Khalil Gibran, author of The Prophet that succinctly describes how suffering can ultimately change us. "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars." May we all have the courage to see our past, current, and future struggles as gifts to our character as Quan has.
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