Progressive House UK

Dave & I go way back, nearly as far as this mix does. We first met in 1997 in Cheltenham and hit off straight away due to our shared love of DJ'ing. Back then people hardly did it and it was rare to find somebody who could do it so well. We were individual DJs and back-to-back DJs together from then on. Lately, he and I were discussing older records and the fact that it was hard to go back and source the records you either had and don't have anymore or the tracks you want to find to complete certain parts of your back cat.

This led to us discussing making some sets that jog those memories. NOT classics but tracks of an era that occupy a special place in your own heart - and maybe other people's too! Other old people like us! Here's the result - all mixed live in one take - no jiggery-pokery - just good Djing. Enjoy!

Show Notes

  1. Blue Amazon - The blessing
  2. Blue Amazon - Star of David 
  3. Blue Amazon - Paradise Regime (‘It just keeps going’ edit)
  4. Spooky - Little Bullet
  5. Mozaic - Rays of the Rising Sun
  6. Blue Amazon - Never forget
  7. Paganini Traxx - Zoe (Timo maas Remix)
  8. Dum Dum - One earth one beat
  9. Spice Lab - We got spice (Humate Remix)
  10. Blue Amazon - Give it to em 
  11. Sasha - Magic (Junior factory mix)
  12. Way out west - Ajare
  13. React to rhythm - Intoxication (Clubland mix)
  14. Spooky - Schmoo
  15. Sunscream - Love you more 
  16. Solar Plexus – Solar Plexus
  17. the Orb - Flotation (Special request mix)

What is Progressive House UK?

Established in 2019 Progressive House UK is a global Progcast station & electronic music mix show for like-minded people. Each week we produce a new 'In The Mix' show from our team of resident underground DJs. We also feature a very special 'Guest Mix' series and partner with Flux Electronic Music to bring you the very best of scenes from renowned or emerging international DJs.

You can also find us online on Facebook & Instagram where we create & share unique content, discuss music, UK events, DJ stories and general memorabilia from the electronic music scene.

Music Is Our Shared DNA.