Peaceful American

Peaceful American Newscast – Virginia/Washington D.C. 
Thursday, September 5, 2024

Good day, I’m Jessica Wilder for the News Radar on the Here are some of the top stories making headlines today across America.

Mass Shooting in Georgia: A 14-year-old suspect used an assault rifle to kill two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School, marking the deadliest U.S. school shooting of 2024.​

Portland Divests from Israeli Companies: Portland, Maine, voted to divest from companies tied to Israeli human rights violations​.

Meta Rules on Palestinian Slogan: Meta’s Oversight Board ruled that the phrase “From the river to the sea” is not hate speech, emphasizing its usage for Palestinian solidarity​.

AI Regulation: Ongoing developments in AI regulation are gaining traction, with a focus on balancing innovation and safety​.

Oil Prices: Oil prices remain steady under $70 per barrel, with market volatility continuing due to global factors.

That's some of the news making headlines today. Stay informed and updated and be well. I’m Jessica Wilder for the News Radar on the |

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