LeaderGrowth with David Skidmore

It's time to step over the line. This is where the transformation happens.
There are some BIG reasons why people aren’t experiencing transformation, and we will look at 3 of those today and what to do about them. Here’s what you can expect. I’m talking about how to live transformed, and the drivers for me on transformation are faith, family, fitness, finances, and friends. Only a FEW will consistently experience transformation because it is difficult to do. This podcast is going to show you how.
Take a SECOND look.
Don't DELAY. Make the call.
Step over the line.

What's the secret? You don't wait. You step over the line today.


What is LeaderGrowth with David Skidmore?

LeaderGrowth with David Skidmore helps people overcome challenges and experience transformation in their life and leadership.